Kal Lizkor is the singular method that has led over 3,000 learners to attain success in limud Torah. Over the course of 10 years, our study course and easy-to-use software have utterly transformed Gemara study into an exhilarating spiritual experience that empowers every learner and imbues him with pride, joy and deep satisfaction that enables him to not only learn Gemara, but also remember it for life.
Kal Lizkor’s study course teaches you to focus properly on your learning, improve your comprehension and follow a review system that helps you remember what you’ve learned for life. It likewise shatters myths and false beliefs that impede success.
The study course also offers detailed instructions that guide you to use the software effectively, in a way that ensures long-term commitment and hasmadah.
(There are special chapters designated for implementing Kal Lizkor’s method without use of a computer.)
Kal Lizkor’s Smart Software evaluates the user’s memory skills, constructs a customized review plan that builds on the user’s skills and capacities, and concentrates all chazarah sedarim into a single interactive program that catapults the learner to success.
Kal Lizkor’s Smart Software includes a database with over 250,000 (!) questions on all realms of Torah.
We’ve developed the #1 chazarah algorithm in the world, with over 3,000 satisfied users who unanimously attest to the phenomenal success and achievements that they’ve attained with Kal Lizkor.
Kal Lizkor concentrates all your chazarah into a single session that lets you focus on and enjoy your learning.
Let’s get started!
Our 2-part method is simple to use and implement:
All content that you enter into your portal is arranged and catalogued systematically, enabling immediate, direct access to anything you wrote. There is an option to tag content in order to link topics that are scattered across different masechtos in Shas. This improves knowledge, clarity and helps you attain greater fluency in Shas.
Over 2,500 prepared questions, systematically arranged by topic that let you to choose the questions that fit your needs. Questions are presented in a broad range of styles and formulated by different users in order to assist the maximum number of users. There is also an option to import questions without the answers in order to create an independent assessment.
Advanced searches, filters and sorting that allow you to easily access any question that you wrote for the purpose of an additional review, to amend the question or export it to Word or any other program or need.
Wide range of editing options, including selection of font, color, size, automatic numbering according to preference to facilitate pleasant and comfortable learning conditions.
Rate your memory level, as well as the difficulty level of any specific question, which will make it easier for you during future chazarah sessions.
Kal Lizkor’s algorithm learns your memory level and distinguishes between questions whose answers you know well and those that you want to improve on, and then emphasizes the latter in future chazarah sessions. If you were unable to complete the answers to all questions in the Daily Chazarah, the question list will remain for the next day, so you can continue monitoring your learning progress.
Using a variety of functions, you can export all questions that you inserted into the portal into Word so you can print the material to review on Shabbos, Yom Tov or anytime you want. The Export to Word function also enables you to edit your content professionally and even publish your own sefer—something that many of our users have already done!
Kal Lizkor’s automatic calculation of the number of questions by day, month and year allows you customize and adapt your learning and chazarah pace to your schedule.
Using Kal Lizkor’s easy-to-read graphs and charts of your test scores, you can monitor your progress, plan ahead, and take pride in your achievements!
We’ve compiled a chart with ready-to-use chazarah programs that enable you to review several topics at once. This is especially useful prior to tests or if you want to refresh your memory on a complete masechta in a brief session.
All of Kal Lizkor’s fundamentals of proper study, learning and review; tools to improve comprehension and concentration; and methods of effective, enjoyable review that challenges your mind in a single course. The Kal Lizkor study course encompasses rules and principles that shatter myths and false beliefs that impede success. The course also offers essential knowledge, guidance and valuable tips for optimal use of the software. It also includes Kal Lizkor’s Golden Rules of formulating powerful, effective questions that optimize software use, encourage long-term commitment and hasmadah, and catapult the learner to success.
Detailed presentations of all aspects of the software. The tutorials guide the user to optimal use of the software and spare him many hours of trial-and-error.
Email support and advice from fellow users; chavrusah pairing; ideas and tips to streamline use of the program; sharing of questions and answers by users; and other benefits to keep you motivated and constantly learning and reviewing.
Technical support on the phone and by email to ensure that you derive the utmost benefits from the study course and software and realize your learning and memory potential.
With over a decade of experience and 3,000 satisfied users who unanimously attest to phenomenal progress and achievements, we guarantee the success of every user who implements the Kal Lizkor method. 30-day Warranty! If you’ve used our program for 30 days straight and haven’t seen improvement, we’ll refund your money! (Subject to Policy)
6-lesson course teaching effective study methods, proper use of the software, guidance in formulating questions, tips, advice and detailed technical guidance for optimal use of Kal Lizkor’s software.
The advanced smart software that’s revolutionizing the yeshivah world! The program encompasses a database with over 250,000 questions and answers on every masechta in Talmud Bavli, Mishnayos, parts of Shulchan Aruch and the Rambam.
(Direct installation! No internet connection required!)
Technical support and guidance from our office staff to ensure that you gain the maximum benefits from the study course and software.
Questions and answers on the Daf Yomi to enter directly into your portal.
Join the Kal Lizkor Lomdim Forum and enjoy email and phone-based support from colleagues and friends. Share questions and answers, ideas and tips for optimal use of the program, form chavrusos and learning contests, and motivate one another to continue striving for more!
30-day warranty!
If you’ve used our program for 30 days straight and haven’t seen improvement, we’ll refund your money!** (Subject to Policy)
Chazal illuminate that the only way to succeed in learning and attain complete knowledge of Torah is with chazarah: To review and then review again and again and again. There is no other way!
Therefore, if we genuinely aspire to remember what we learn, then we must find ways to motivate us to review on a regular basis.
The main reason why most learners fail to review consistently is because the prevailing methods of review are sorely lacking.
Most of us were taught to review material by reading and rereading the same text we already learned before. Whether it’s the Gemara or Shulchan Aruch, we’re trained to read and reread the text again and again.
This method of chazarah has numerous shortcomings and limitations:
For the same reason, if someone asks a question immediately after we’ve seen the text, we usually remember the answer. However if they ask the same question sometime later, we often won’t remember the answer.
The reasons above and many others all contribute to the widespread lack of interest in chazarah. If chazarah is long tedious, boring and ineffective, why should be motivated to review?
The Yaabetz’s shittah solves the problem!
Instead of reviewing with an open sefer, we review by heart, from our memory. The Yaabetz calls this “exerting the faculty of memory.”
We set specific times for chazarah and test ourselves b’al peh to see how much we’ve really learned and absorbed.
This mode of chazarah is much more stimulating, challenging and automatically requires greater concentration. It also reinforces memory retrieval, because we train ourselves to extract information from the recesses of our memory. Simultaneously, it significantly curtails the time we spend reviewing, because we devote the chazarah session to focusing on the main points of the sugya and the summary that we created and wrote ourselves.
When do we engage in chazarah?
In order to ensure that chazarah is both stimulating and challenges us to reinforce our memory, we should not review too frequently, because otherwise, the retrieval will come too easily. On the other hand, we can’t wait too long between chazarah sessions, because otherwise, we’re liable to forget what we’ve learned.
The solution is to establish a fixed schedule and pace for review.
Kal Lizkor’s software offers the ideal chazarah schedule which was created following years of research on the human memory, and then refined based on the experiences of software users. The program presents questions at specific intervals, spacing them enough after the original assimilation to ensure that they are still challenging but not too far that the learner would have forgotten the answers by then. The software presents questions that were answered incorrectly more frequently in order to ensure that the learner will remember them better in the future.
Every day after learning and summarizing the material learned, open the Q&A window, enter the precise page that you are currently learning in the Learning Tree, and write everything you’ve summarized in question and answer form.
As soon as you’ve created your own questions and answers, they are automatically entered into your portal. When it’s time for chazarah, enter the Daily Chazarah window and review the material by heart.
The software presents only the questions that you wrote, without the answers. Answer the questions by heart before clicking the button to view the answer on screen.
After you finish answering the question by heart, open the Answer Box to see if you answered the question correctly. Score yourself from 1 to 5, and the program will resend the question at a specific interval based on the score you gave yourself. This way, you’ll review material that you don’t know as well more frequently than you’ll review material in which you are already fluent.
Kal Lizkor is the only method that provides a comprehensive program that guarantees greater success in yedias haTorah. We offer a study course that teaches you all the fundamental principles of learning and memory; advanced computer software that you use regularly in order to help you recall everything that you’ve learned; and technical and peer support so you can truly achieve your goals in learning!
Our office staff is available to help you navigate the program in order to reap the maximal benefits of the course and software.
Over the past decade, we’ve improved together with our users. We’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. We’ve seen what helps lomdim advance in learning and what causes them to stagnate. We’ve learned what motivates a learner to try harder and succeed, and what causes frustration and dissatisfaction that can lead him to give up.
Shattering myths: People like to think that memory aid software is a magic button which, with a click, will make you suddenly know and remember all. But this isn’t the case at all.
Yes, the software may contain the answers to your questions, but if it isn’t developed properly, or if you don’t utilize it the way it’s meant to be used, with the tried-and-true memory-enhancement method on which it was based, then it can actually cause more harm than good.
This is why Kal Lizkor stresses the importance of learning our method and understanding the function of every button in the software—because this is what will help you succeed.
Baruch Hashem, with 10 years of success and over 3,000 satisfied users, we can proudly attest that Kal Lizkor has a 100% success rate.
We’re so convinced of the benefits of our program that we guarantee results! If you’ve tried out the program for a full month and still haven’t seen progress, you get your money back.
Although the method is guaranteed, if you did not follow the principles outlined in the study course, you will not achieve your full memory potential or reap the full benefits that Kal Lizkor’s software offers you. The reason is that the software relates to the chazarah process only. If you didn’t learn the material properly from the start or follow the rules set forth in the study course, which teach you how to properly learn Gemara and how to understand and assimilate new material, the chazarah stage will not prove effective. Reviewing material without understanding it is like reading a telephone book. No matter how many times you read it, it’s tough to remember all those lists by heart…
This is why Kal Lizkor’s software goes hand in hand-in-hand with the study course and our professional tutorials that teach you how to properly use the software in order to achieve maximal success.
What’s unique about Kal Lizkor’s method?
Kal Lizkor presents you with a clear method and activities that, while requiring consistency, are integral elements of effective limud Torah. Kal Lizkor hones the learning process, making it easier, more user-friendly, challenging and enjoyable. And best of all, it yields immediate results.
Unlike other methods that compel long, drawn-out review sessions that lead to boredom and frustration, Kal Lizkor offers you an effective 2-step system that concentrates your chazarah into two parts:
The software automatically calculates your ideal chazarah schedule. All you have to do is follow instructions.
Over the years, we’ve received incredible feedback from users who unanimously praise the impact of the software on their learning and their lives.
One client remarked that since starting to use Kal Lizkor, he’s become “addicted to yedias haTorah!”
Kal Lizkor’s phenomenal success is built on the psychology of human satisfaction. What greater nachas is there for a learner than seeing that he can recall and can successfully answer questions on material that he learned two years ago, five years ago, or even more?
How does it work? When you answer a question successfully on material that you learned yesterday, and then answer it again correctly a week later, and a month and two months and six months later, then the knowledge embeds itself into your mind and memory forever.
This is how Kal Lizkor’s very first users are correctly answering questions on material that they first learned 10 years ago, and we look forward to seeing them succeed in the same way in 30 years to come!
Are you seeking a chazarah program or a program that will help you remember your limud?
Over the years, we’ve grown and improved together with our users. We’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. We’ve seen what helps lomdim advance in learning and what causes them to stagnate. We’ve learned what motivates a learner to try harder and succeed, and what causes frustration and dissatisfaction that can lead him to give up.
People like to think that memory aid software is a magic button that, with a click, will make you suddenly know and remember all. But this isn’t the case at all.
Yes, the software may contain the answers to your questions, but if it isn’t developed properly, or if you don’t utilize it the way it’s meant to be used, with the tried-and-true memory-enhancement method on which it was based, then it can actually cause more harm than good.
This is why Kal Lizkor stresses the importance of learning our method and understanding the function of every button on screen, because this is what will help you succeed.
With 10 years of experience and over 3,000 users, we’ve learned that beyond the genius underlying Kal Lizkor’s method, learners require motivation to be consistent about their limud and chazarah to ensure that the knowledge remains with them and they don’t forget it.
Over the years, Kal Lizkor has introduced new functions into the program to enhance user experience and ensure that the process remains as stimulating and enjoyable as it was when we first started. We’ve also developed a system to prevent a build-up of unanswered questions that can cause learners to give up.
At Kal Lizkor, we invested substantial resources to develop an algorithm that would produce the precise formula for automatic chazarah questions. The algorithm underwent dozens of changes over the years following the experiences and feedback of our first users. Today, 10 years after we’ve first launched the software, we can proudly declare that it has a 100% success rate that guarantees hatzlachah for every user who follows the principles and rules set forth in the study course.
We’re so confident of the benefits of Kal Lizkor that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee!
The exclusive advantages and benefits of Kal Lizkor’s software were achieved following intensive research and feedback from users, as well as the professional recommendations of psychologists and mental health experts. Our common goal is to guarantee that users remember what they learned, long term. Any function that is useful for short-term recollection, but ineffective for long-term memory was eliminated from the program, because Kal Lizkor’s objective is to ensure that learners recall their limud throughout their lives.
For example, the original version of Kal Lizkor contained a database of prepared questions and answers. However, upon noting that using ready questions and answers lowered the user’s memory quality by 50%, we removed it from the software. While use of the database helped learners advance in the short term by saving them the time it took to enter questions into their portal, in the long term, it reduced memory, since they did not toil to properly understand the material or formulate the questions on their own, a process that embeds the knowledge deeper into the mind. Furthermore, the learner had less motivation to remember answers to questions that he did not work hard to create and formulate, which also impaired long-term memory. The combination of reduced comprehension and reduced motivation led to a buildup of unanswered questions that generated frustration and despair among users.
Notwithstanding, following objections from dozens of users who complained that they could not reap all the benefits of the program without a database of prepared questions, we developed a special interface to minimize the damage accrued from using prepared questions.
This interface allows the user to view questions, explore them, and select specific questions that are most meaningful and useful for him. It also enables him to edit both the question and answer to increase the personal benefits that he can gain from them. Simultaneously, we developed another option to import questions without answers, which helps the user write his own summaries.
Beyond Daily Chazarah, Kal Lizkor also functions as a Digital Notebook where users can manage all their studies. All material entered into the system is catalogued and arranged systematically by topic on a special Learning Tree which offers advanced options for editing and arranging material attractively; transferring questions from place to place; quick access to material for further viewing; tagging topics that are scattered in various masechtos in Shas; a special window for managing the tags; advanced search; exporting material to Word and other programs; managing prepared chazarah programs by topic, and more.
If it’s worked for 3354 users, there’s no reason to think that it shouldn’t work for you.
But to assuage any doubt you may still have and guarantee your satisfaction, we offer our full warranty and commitment that if you’ve followed the course instructions, tried it out for 30 days and still haven’t seen results, you get your money back—in full!
No. The software is installed directly onto your computer, and does not require any internet connection or access.
Limud Torah encompasses several stages, and the software relates to the chazarah stage. If you didn’t learn and absorb the material properly, and you didn’t follow the principles of learning set forth in the course, which teach you to properly learn a Gemara, understand it, assimilate it, summarize it, and classify your knowledge, then the chazarah stage won’t be effective. Reviewing material without understanding it is like reading the phone book…
Kal Lizkor’s software goes hand in hand-in-hand with our study course and professional instruction that guide you to properly use the software in order to achieve maximal success.
You don’t have to go anywhere, because the course is delivered on Kal Lizkor’s phone system. As soon as you register, we’ll connect you to our Course Hotline, and you’ll be able to call and listen to any of the course segments on the phone at your convenience.
The answer depends on how much material you want to remember.
Even if all you can devote is 15 minutes a day, you’re off to a good start! In 15 minutes, you can summarize much of what you’ve learned throughout the day and review it. When you add these 15 minutes up every day over a month or year, you gain hundreds of new yedios baTorah that will make you a talmid chacham!
And if you’re willing to invest more time, you’ll gain even more…
You choose the realm of Torah that you want to focus on and how much time a day you designate to the chazarah program. From here, it’s a short road to success!
(From our experience, most users start out devoting a brief period of time a day to the program, but as they advance and discover how much they’ve learned and gained, they gradually spend more and more time engaging in daily chazarah which ingrains their learning deep into their hearts and souls.
First of all, like we’ve emphasized, the financial risk is ours. If you’ve used the program properly for 30 days, and you haven’t seen results, we’ll refund your money.
Second, unlike other programs, Kal Lizkor is based on a very simple system that is easy to learn and even easier to follow. The system integrates directly into your learning, and there is no need to carry out complicated tasks that require mental and emotional exertion that are beyond many people’s capacity.
Third, when using Kal Lizkor, you see immediate results, which fill you with satisfaction. Already by the end of the first week, you’ll notice a difference in how much material you’ve assimilated, and how much you remember!
Kal Lizkor offers you a complete, comprehensive program that guarantees success: Our study course, computer software, and full technical support by our office staff guarantee that you reap the maximum benefits from our system and achieve your lifelong goal of attaining yedias haTorah!
It’s not. After accounting for the startup capital that we invested into developing the program, the constant changes and enhancements in the program, the perpetual support that we offer users, office expenses, advertising and more, we were barely able to cover our expenses. Only with the generous donations by several philanthropists who learned about our software, appreciated how many lomdei Torah could benefit from this program, and offered to subsidize it generously were we able to offer the software at such a low price. We are further working to expand our circle of donors in order to enable our developers to introduce new features and enhancements into the software to add new features and make it even more user friendly, add workers and office staff, and increase their hours, without raising prices for our customers.
(If you or anyone you know would like to donate to Kal Lizkor, please contact us at k297910@gmail.com. Dedications available.)
Now, we ask you: As a ben Torah who invests
וכעת השאלה מופנית אליך – בתור אברך בן תורה, שמשקיע מידי חודש אלפי שקלים בשביל לימוד התורה, בזה שבחרת לוותר על הכנסה חודשית מעבודה לטובת הישיבה באוהלה של תורה, האם זה מה שיעכב אותך לשלם עוד קצת באופן חד פעמי כדי לקצור פרי מעמלך? וכדי לשמר את ההשקעה הרבה שכבר השקעת בלימודך?! ולמרות זאת אנו פועלים כל העת להוזיל ככל שמתאפשר.
Kal Lizkor offers a 30-day money back guarantee. If you’ve taken the course, used the software properly for 30 days, and still haven’t seen results, contact us and we’ll refund your money in full. The warranty is subject to consistent use of the program throughout the warranty period, including entering daily questions into your portal, and reviewing questions presented in the Daily Chazarah window.
Al Kal Lizkor, we are confident that with correct and consistent use, the software works for everyone. That’s why if you’ve used it for 30 days and are still unsatisfied, we’ll refund your money. Guaranteed.
Yes, you can purchase the course without the software, and you can also change your mind! The cost of the course independent of the software is only 720 ILS. If you’ve decided to purchase only the course, but then change your mind and decide you want the software too, we’ll deduct the sum you paid for the course from the price of the software.
We’ll send you all updates for the version of the software that you purchased free of charge. There is an additional charge for updates for newer versions.
Kal Lizkor was developed to support the regular learner, who does not have specific learning or other difficulties, and who wants to hone his memory and garner the maximal benefits from his learning.
However, we’ve received positive feedback from many users who related that they were diagnosed with various learning or other disabilities but were able to circumvent their learning issue using the Kal Lizkor system.
Disclaimer: Kal Lizkor does not guarantee success for learners with learning and/or other difficulties, and should not be used in lieu of professional remedial help.
Kal Lizkor’s method was developed by Hagaon Harav Yehoshua Skolt, who was a chavrusah of Maran Sar HaTorah Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l for many years.
Rav Skoltz devoted 15 years to researching human memory. He subsequently founded the Kal Lizkor Institute and developed the learning and memory toolbox that enables users to implement the method successfully. Rav Skoltz and Kal Lizkor’s method is founded on the legacy of the Yaabetz and incorporates other recommendations and instructions from Gedolei Yisrael throughout the ages.
Baruch Hashem, following 10 years of activities, Kal Lizkor has fostered the spiritual advancement of over 3,000 lomdei Torah, talmidei chachamim both in Eretz Yisrael and around the world, among them prominent Rabbanim, Roshei Yeshivos and Roshei Kollelim.
The method has been commended by Gedolei Yisrael zt”l and shlit”a across the board, most notably Maran Sar HaTorah Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l and yblch”t his son-in-law Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Kolodetsky shlit”a. Many Rabbanim in Eretz Yisrael, America and Europe have written enthusiastic haskamos and some profess that they have adopted Kal Lizkor’s method and incorporate it now into their daily limud!
פיתוח תוכנת קלזכור ע”י: יעקובוב פיתוח תוכנה
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